Schlagwort-Archive: Spitfire

Warum Spitfires leichter nach rechts als links drehten

Die Querruder der Spitfire fühlten sich bei 400 Meilen pro Stunde nicht so „solide“ an wie jene der deutschen Messerschmidt Bf 109. Das lag daran, dass der Querruder-Steuerkreis der Spitfire etwas mehr „Dehnung“ aufwies. Die maximale Seitenkräfte, die ein Pilot am Steuerknüppel auf die Längsachse ausüben konnte, betrug bei der Spitfire etwa 60 Pfund, bei der Messerschmidt Bf 109 jedoch nur etwa 40 Pfund. Der Grund für diesen Unterschied war, dass das Cockpit der Bf 109 so eng war, dass ein Pilot seinen Arm nicht in eine günstige Position bringen konnte, um eine ausreichende Seitenkraft auf den Steuerknüppel auszuüben. Und es waren nicht nur die Querruder, die den 109er-Piloten Probleme bereiteten.

Der folgende Inhalt stammt aus dem Testbericht des Versorgungsministeriums von September 1940: „Bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten macht das Fehlen einer Seitenruder-Trimmung dem Piloten größte Schwierigkeiten. Bei 215 mph (346 km/h) ist das Flugzeug Hochachsen-richtungsneutral getrimmt, es wird kein Seitenruder benötigt. Bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten muss das linke Seitenruder betätigt werden, und bei 300 mph (483 km/h) werden etwa zwei Grad linkes Seitenruder benötigt. Das Ruder ist bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten sehr schwer, und es ist große Kraft erforderlich, um auch nur eine begrenzte Ruderwirkung auszulösen. Dies ist ermüdend und beeinträchtigt die Fähigkeit des Piloten, mehr linkes Ruder zu betätigen, um eine Linkskurve zu unterstützen. Folglich dreht die Bf 109 bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten eher nach rechts als nach links.“ Quelle und vollständiger Bericht: ‚TheAviationGeekClub‚.

WW-2-Fighters Face Uncertain Future

The Royal Air Force’s (RAF) Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) is facing an unprecedented challenge as its legendary Spitfire and Hurricane fighter planes remain grounded four months after a tragic accident. As first noted by Alert 5, the extended suspension of flights has raised questions about the future of these iconic World War II aircraft in RAF service.

After a Spitfire crashed in May 2024, killing its pilot, Sqn Ldr Mark Long, the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s fighter planes remain grounded as investigators from the Defence Accident Investigation Branch (DAIB) continue to probe the cause of the crash. Immediately after the tragedy, the RAF announced a “temporary pause” in flights by the remaining aircraft in the BBMF fleet. Since then, the service has been unable to provide a timeline for the resumption of flights or guarantee that these historic aircraft will take to the skies again.

Nevertheless, as reported by BBC, Spitfires and Hurricanes in private ownership are still permitted to fly because, according to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), insufficient evidence exists to justify a fleetwide grounding. Retired RAF group captain and former BBMF engineering officer Terry Holloway is surprised by the duration of the investigation. “It’s quite understandable that the Ministry of Defence, in these risk-averse times, would wish to pause flying until the cause of the crash is identified, but more than three months on, they are still grounded,” he said. Holloway pointed out that in his experience establishing the cause of a crash would be “relatively easy.” In fact, he explained that following a 1991 incident, a defective camshaft in a Hurricane was quickly identified and addressed.

Spitfires and Hurricanes in private ownership not grounded
In July, BBMF announced that its Avro Lancaster had been cleared to fly again, although officials said this followed an “extensive pre-planned depth maintenance activity.” This disparity has led some, including Holloway, to speculate that the issue may be related to the single-engine configuration of the Spitfire and Hurricane as opposed to the four-engine Lancaster.

In the meantime, these beloved warbirds have missed several high-profile events such as the D-Day 80 commemorations, the King’s Birthday celebrations, and potentially the upcoming Battle of Britain anniversary on Sep. 15 because of the prolonged grounding. Sir Gerald Howarth, president of both the British Air Display Association and the Historic Aircraft Association (HAA), said he was “curious” why there has been “absolutely no move” from the CAA to ground Spitfires and Hurricanes in private ownership (numbering around 40). An RAF spokesperson said to BBC that safety is paramount for the service and added that “The BBMF Spitfire and Hurricane will return to flying only when it is appropriate and safe to do so.” The potential permanent grounding of the RAF’s Spitfires and Hurricanes would close a living link to one of the most pivotal moments in British and world history, marking the end of an era.

The Royal Air Force BBMF operates from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire.
According to the Royal Air Force website, the mission of the RAF BBMF is to maintain the priceless artefacts of our national heritage in airworthy condition in order to commemorate those who have fallen in the service of this country. The RAF BBMF also promotes the modern-day Air Force and inspires future generations. The Flight operates six Spitfires, two Hurricanes, a Lancaster, a C-47 Dakota, and two Chipmunk aircraft (primarily for training). Regular RAF Aircrew flies the aircraft. These aircraft can be regularly seen in the skies over the UK from May to September each year. They are flown to celebrate and commemorate public and military events, from State occasions such as Trooping the Colour to major airshows and flypasts for public events. Source: ‚The Aviation Geek Club‚.

How Spitfires kept getting better

The Supermarine Spitfire is one of the most iconic aircraft of all time. Between 1937 and 1947 over 20,000 of them were built and in those 10 years, Spitfires changed dramatically from the Mk 1 to the Mk 24. More powerful engines, new wing shapes, different armaments, and more were added to the Spitfire in an attempt to maintain its edge over enemy aircraft. The Supermarine Spitfire was the only Allied frontline fighter in complete and continuous development all the way through the Second World War.

IWM Duxford has Spitfires from all the way through production, in fact, there are probably more Spitfires gathered together at Duxford than anywhere else in the world. In this episode of Duxford in Depth, Graham Rodgers looks at how the Spitfire evolved by taking us through just a few of Duxford’s collection of Spitfires including marks 1, 5, 9, 14, and 24. Source: ‚Youtube / Imperial War Museums‚.

Spitfire pilots return to Goodwood

Two British pilots have touched down on home soil, after flying around the world in a restored Spitfire, with the paintwork stripped to a shining aluminium finish. Steve Brooks, 58, from Burford, Oxfordshire, and Matt Jones, 45, from Exeter, took four months to circumnavigate the globe in the first trip of its kind in a Spitfire. They stopped off in 100 locations, across 30 countries. The project, called Silver Spitfire – The Longest Flight, started and finished at Goodwood Aerodrome, the base of Boultbee Flight Academy, the first-ever school for Spitfire pilots, in West Sussex. Quelle: ‚BBC‚.