Declared 1250 km FAI triangle over the Mediterranean Sea from Yves Gerster in a JS1-C. On March 24th, amidst the final day of the Swiss team’s training camp, our JS sales agent Yves Gerster achieved an extraordinary feat, completing a declared FAI triangle spanning an impressive 1250 km from St. Auban aboard a JS1-C.
Taking advantage of favourable wave conditions, Yves embarked on his journey shortly after 6 AM, swiftly ascending to nearly 6000m over the scenic landscapes of France.
Guided by a supportive tailwind, he embarked on a captivating glide of over 250km across the Mediterranean Sea, reaching Corsica. From there he headed south to the border of Sardinia and then back to the north shore of Corsica.
Reaching staggering heights once more, Yves traversed the waves to surpass 6000m again before venturing towards Pisa (Italy), encountering anticipated convergences near Pavullo that aided his progress towards the eastern turn-point.
Utilizing a combination of convergence and thermal lift, Yves navigated via Genoa, returning to the majestic Alps where he once again caught the wave, soaring to the ridge lift of Mont Ventoux, marking the culmination of his journey.
While awaiting official confirmation, Yves’ flight is poised to secure two European records for distance and speed over a declared triangle spanning 1’250 km, a testament to his skill and the exceptional capabilities of the JS1-C.
The JS1-C’s 21m configuration allows amazing long glides and the assurance of a JET in the back provides peace of mind throughout the whole flight. Source: ‚Jonkers Sailplanes‚.