Schlagwort-Archive: Maintenance

Textron earns approval for Safety Management

Textron Aviation Inc. has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval of the company’s new Safety Management System (SMS) implementation plan to support the design and manufacturing of Cessna and Beechcraft aircraft. This approval builds on the company’s previously FAA-accepted and approved SMS program supporting the maintenance and support of iconic Cessna and Beechcraft aircraft, and underscores the company’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards of product quality at every level of operations.

A Safety Management System is a systematic approach to managing product safety, encompassing organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. Textron Aviation’s new SMS program includes a voluntary reporting tool that allows employees, customers or suppliers to anonymously report aircraft quality risks or hazards directly to the company’s SMS Committee. This committee evaluates the risk based on the information provided, investigates the causes and plans a response. Based on the findings and solutions, processes and tools are updated, ensuring continuous improvement in safety and quality standards. Source: ‘Textron Aviation‘.

Piper Announces Approved Service Center in France

Piper Aircraft, Inc. and Authorized Piper Dealer, Flying Smart Aero, announced the appointment of Troyes Aviation as the Approved Piper Service Center in France. Founded in 1973 by Françoise Horiot and transferred to new ownership in 2023, Troyes Aviation is a fully-owned subsidiary of JGH SAS and the sister Company of JG AVIATION, the Authorized Pilatus Service Centre for France.

Over the past 50 years, Troyes Aviation has built a reputation for its flawless service delivery and the innovative approach of its leadership, ensuring a competitive edge in the premium general aviation market. The management’s commitment to continuous innovation includes maintaining the latest aircraft models, providing ongoing training for their staff, and leading their operations in a dynamic, pragmatic, and human-centred manner, always prioritizing client satisfaction. Source: ‘Piper Aircraft‘.

Pipistrel-Schulungen für Velis Electro-Wartung

Als erster Betrieb in der Geschichte der Luftfahrt erhielt Pipistrel das Recht, Mechaniker für die Wartung von zertifizierten elektrisch betriebenen Flugzeugen auszubilden. Das bedeutet, dass Pipistrel nun Mechaniker anderer Organisationen zum Zweck der Wartung und Reparatur des Velis Electro, welches derzeit das einzige, vollelektrische, zertifizierte Flugzeug der Welt ist, ausbilden kann. Der fünftägige Wartungskurs stieß auf großes Interesse, so dass er im Dezember 2020 zum ersten Mal organisiert und inzwischen wiederholt wurde. Viele Einzelpersonen und Organisationen haben Interesse bekundet, so dass in naher Zukunft weitere Wiederholungen geplant sind. Quelle: ‘Pipistrel-Website‘.