Schlagwort-Archive: Oshkosh

In der Cirrus über den Atlantik (2)

Im zweiten Teil des Videos geht es um die Etappe von Iqaluit quer durch Kanada zum Airventure nach Oshkosh. Später sollten eine Werksbesichtigung bei Cirrus in Duluth, ein Zwischenstopp an den beeindruckenden Niagarafällen und ein unvergesslicher Flug durch New York City folgen, dabei war ein spektakulärer Vollkreis über der Freiheitsstatue entlang des Hudson River einer der Höhepunkte. Sehen Sie hier das Video von Sören Engelmann mit atemberaubenden Landschaften und einmaligen Flugerlebnissen.

Elixir hat 25 Flugzeuge ausgeliefert

Elixir Aircraft, französischer Hersteller von Trainingsflugzeugen, stellte vom 22. bis 28. Juli 2024 auf der EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh (Wisconsin, USA) aus, dem größten Fly-In der Welt. Elixir Aircraft hat inzwischen über 25 Flugzeuge geliefert, wobei das Flugzeug mit der Seriennummer 26 an das Flugzeug-Vermietungs-Unternehmen Locavion (Frankreich) übergeben wurde.

Um mit der steigenden Produktion Schritt zu halten, erweitert Elixir Aircraft seine drei französischen Standorte in La Rochelle. Dort wird bis 2026 eine 15.000 m2 große Anlage gebaut. Gleichzeitig bereitet Elixir Aircraft die Eröffnung seiner amerikanischen Niederlassung im Jahr 2025 vor. Es wird sich am Flughafen Sarasota Bradenton in Florida befinden und hauptsächlich der Erstmontage von Flugzeugen dienen, die an amerikanische Kunden geliefert werden. Der amerikanische Markt hat bereits über 200 Elixir-Flugzeuge bestellt (Festaufträge und Vorbestellungen). In Sarasota werden rund 200 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt sein, womit sich die Gesamtzahl der Beschäftigten des Unternehmens auf 400 erhöht.

Dritte Teilnahme an der EAA AirVenture
Elixir Aircraft war auf dem AirVenture mit zwei Flugzeugen mit 100 und 140 PS aus der Elixir-Reihe vertreten. Ein großer Teil des Vertriebs- und Kundendienstteams ist angereist, um nordamerikanische Kunden zu treffen. Während Schulen auf der ganzen Welt ihre Flotten erneuern, hat die vierte Generation von Elixir Aircraft bereits etwa zwanzig europäische Kunden gewonnen, darunter die Schule Airbus Flight Academy, die mehrere Exemplare betreibt. Foto: ‚Elixir Aircraft‚.

    VL3 Atlantic mission underway

    It’s now 7 years since two VL3 aircraft crossed the Atlantic Ocean on their way to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. The 2016 expedition took 30 flight hours and covered 6599 km over 6 legs while flying over North Atlantic waters for the most part. We are proud to announce that another Atlantic expedition is taking place once again this week. Our factory pilot, Olivier Ronveaux, is currently flying his VL3 #461 over the ocean to the Oshkosh Airshow. “I will be flying alone and will be departing from the Czech Republic in early July. In order to make the leg from Iceland to Greenland, extra fuel tanks are required on the passenger seat,“ added Olivier when discussing his trip planning last month. History was made when Olivier completed the longest journey between Iceland and Canada, spending nearly 10 hours in flight aboard his VL3 aircraft. He successfully reached Gose Bay Airport shortly before 7 pm local time. Stay tuned for more information, pictures and much more from Olivier’s one-of-a-kind VL3 journey coming out soon. See Olivier’s flight log HERE. Source: ‚JMB Aircraft‚.

    EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022

    Facts and Figures for a Record-Setting Year

    • “We introduced a tagline of ‘Unlike Anything Else’ for this year’s AirVenture event and 2022’s fly-in proved to truly be unlike anything else,” said EAA CEO and Chairman Jack Pelton. “We had seven days of nearly perfect weather, along with this year’s programs and activities, which brought out people and airplanes in numbers that we haven’t seen before.”
    • This year’s attendance was approximately 650,000 people, which was 7 percent more than 2021’s attendance, and exceeded the previous record of 642,000 which was set in 2019.
    • “There were several factors involved in the record attendance this year, in addition to the great weather,” said Jack. “Programs such as the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force contributed to exciting aerial displays all week, and it was a joy to welcome our international visitors back in full force for the first time since 2019.”

    Here are some other details from this year’s fly-in:

    • Total aircraft: More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other airports in east-central Wisconsin. At Wittman alone, there were 18,684 aircraft operations in the 11-day period from July 21-31, which is an average of approximately 121 takeoffs/landings per hour when the airport is open.
    • Total show planes: 3,226, including 1,375 registered in vintage aircraft parking, plus 1,156 homebuilt aircraft (up 6 per cent over 2021), 369 warbirds (up 5 percent from ’21), 137 ultralights, 87 seaplanes, 77 aerobatic aircraft, and 25 rotorcraft.
    • Camping: More than 12,000 sites in aircraft and drive-in camping accounted for an estimated 40,000 visitors.
    • Forums, Workshops, and Presentations: More than 1,400 sessions are hosted throughout the week.
    • Social Media, Internet, and Mobile: More than 10.6 million people were reached by EAA’s social media channels during AirVenture, with an engagement of 1.1 million; More than 83,000 hours of viewing EAA video clips online also occurred during the event.
    • International guests: International visitors returned in a big way in 2022, with attendees from 92 countries outside the U.S., just one behind the record total from 2019.
    • The Gathering shines: The EAA Aviation Foundation’s annual event to support its aviation education programs attracted more than 1,000 people and raised more than $2 million dollars that will be focused on EAA’s mission of growing participation in aviation.
    • Media: 797 media representatives on-site, from six continents.
    • Economic impact*: $170 million for the five counties in the Oshkosh region (Winnebago, Outagamie, Fond du Lac, Calumet, and Brown). * – based on the 2017 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh economic impact study.

    Looking ahead to 2023, Jack pointed out that the early planning conversations have already begun. “We’re going to take a little time to give our staff and volunteers a well-deserved rest, but there were numerous discussions at AirVenture 2022 about possibilities for next year,” he said. “Certainly the 70th anniversary year of EAA will be among the big considerations as we look forward to next year’s edition of The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration.” Source: ‚‚. Images.