Schlagwort-Archive: Aircraft

Air-India-Flugschule beschafft Diamond DA42-VI

Air Indias neue Flight Training Organization (FTO) in Amravati, Maharashtra, hat mit Diamond Aircraft einen Vertrag zum Kauf dreier neuer zweimotorigen DA42-VI-Flugzeugen – mit einer Option auf sechs weitere abgeschlossen. Die Auslieferung des ersten Flugzeugs wird für den Sommer 2025 erwartet. Die viersitzige DA42-VI ist die neueste Version von Diamonds zweimotorigem Kolbenflugzeug. Sie eignet sich ideal für die Pilotenausbildung, da ihr Jet-Fuel-Triebwerk im Vergleich zu konventionellen AVGAS-betriebenen Twins eine Treibstoffersparnis bis 50% ermöglicht und ihre Panorama-Haube ausgezeichnete Sicht bietet.

Die Pilotenschule der Air India wird in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2025 als größte Flugschule Südasiens offiziell eröffnet und will jährlich 180 Piloten ausbilden. Sie wird mit digitalisierten Klassenzimmern, einer digitalisierten Betriebszentrale und einer eigenen Wartungseinrichtung ausgestattet sein, um die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern. Die DA42 wird zum Einsatz kommen, wenn die Kadetten zur mehrmotorigen Flugausbildung wechseln.

Piper M700 FURY von UK-Lftfahrtbehörde zugelassen

Piper Aircraft hat von der Zivilluftfahrtbehörde des Vereinigten Königreichs (UK CAA) die Musterzulassung für die M700 FURY erhalten, einschließlich der Zulassung für den Flug in ‚Known Icing‘-Bedingungen. Damit ist der Weg frei für Auslieferungen in das Vereinigte Königreich. Die erste Auslieferung wird noch in 2024 stattfinden.

Die M700 FURY, das bisher schnellste einmotorige Flugzeug von Piper, hat eine maximale Reisegeschwindigkeit von 301 Knoten und eine maximale Reichweite von 1’424 Seemeilen. Angetrieben vom Pratt & Whitney PT6A-52-Motor bietet das Turboprop-Flugzeug der Kabinenklasse außergewöhnliche Leistung gepaart mit fortschrittlichen Sicherheitsmerkmalen, darunter das HALO Safety System mit „Garmin Emergency Autoland“.

Mit der Zulassung durch die britische Luftfahrtbehörde CAA ist die letzte der Anfang des Jahres versprochenen Kundenzertifizierungen abgeschlossen. Piper arbeitet nun an weiteren ausländischen Zertifizierungen, da die Ausweitung der Verkäufe auch Mexiko, Kolumbien und die asiatischen Märkte umfasst. Quelle: ‚Piper Aircraft‚.

The Hurricane had the most impact on the Battle of Britain

The Hawker Hurricane was one of World War II’s most famous British fighters. The prototype was first flown in November 1935, and the first production aircraft made its initial flight in October 1937. Within weeks, Hurricanes were being delivered to their operational squadrons. By the time the war broke out in September 1939, the Royal Air Force had taken delivery of about 500 Hurricanes, and production continued.

It saw exemplary service in World War II, accounting for over 60% of the air victories in the Battle of Britain. A total of 1,715 Hurricanes flew with Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, far in excess of all other British fighters combined. It is estimated that Hurricane pilots were credited with four-fifths of all enemy aircraft destroyed in the period July – October 1940.

Of all the aircraft involved in the Battle of Britain, Hurricane OK-1 made the most impact. ‘One single aircraft. It didn’t shoot down anything during the battle, despite being piloted by an Ace with twenty victories to his name (all during WWI),’ says Jim Schofield, an aviation expert. Source / entire report: ‚theaviationgeekclub‚. Picture: ‚Imperial War Museum‚.

CATL Successfully Testing Condensed Batteries in Electric Aircraft

CATL announces electric aircraft range breakthrough and advances in sodium-ion battery technology, revolutionizing sustainable air travel. At the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions of the World Economic Forum, CATL’s chairman, Robin Zeng, made a groundbreaking announcement that could reshape the future of aviation. CATL tweeted on the X platform: „Another focus of our technology development is high energy-density batteries. Our condensed batteries, achieving up to 500 watt-hours per kilogram, are currently being tested in planes, allowing 4.0-ton aircraft to take off. We aim to support 8.8-ton aircraft next. By 2027 or 2028, we expect four-seater private jets to use these batteries, with a standardized range of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers, making them feasible for private and business jets.“

CATL’s significant progress in their civil, electric manned aircraft cooperation project marks the first public disclosure of the range capabilities of CATL’s electric aircraft, highlighting a substantial advancement in aviation technology. According to the company, the 8-ton model is expected to be operational between 2027 and 2028, featuring a range that could revolutionize regional air travel. The key to this advancement lies in CATL’s cutting-edge condensed-state battery technology, boasting an energy density of 500Wh/kg. This energy density is double that of current electric vehicle (EV) power batteries, which typically offer around 250Wh/kg and meet the strict energy requirements for regional aircraft.

This development signifies a significant leap in the aviation industry, potentially leading to more sustainable and efficient air travel options. The high energy density of the batteries means that electric aircraft could become a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered planes, significantly reducing carbon emissions and operating costs.

New generation of sodium-ion batteries
In addition to developing electric aircraft, CATL is also focusing on enhancing its battery technology across various applications. During his participation at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Zeng also disclosed that the company is advancing its sodium-ion battery technology, which is expected to offer better cost, lifespan, and low-temperature operation performance, with the anticipated growth and potential of sodium-ion batteries. According to Zeng, these batteries could be launched as early as next year, with the technology already at a developmental stage rated at level 7 out of 10. He stated, “This new generation of sodium-ion batteries will help not only in terms of cost but also on the low-temperature performance.”

With the introduction of condensed state and sodium-ion batteries, the potential applications range from more efficient EVs to advanced energy storage solutions. CATL’s progress in electric aircraft development underscores its role in driving forward sustainable technologies. As the aviation industry looks towards a greener future, CATL’s electric aircraft could be a game-changer, offering a glimpse into a future where air travel is both efficient and environmentally friendly.

The future of electric aviation holds immense promise, with potential benefits including reduced carbon emissions, lower operating costs, and increased efficiency. As technology advances, the vision of electric-powered flights becoming a mainstream mode of transportation is increasingly within reach. Innovative efforts like the ones by CATL pave the way for a new era in aviation, where sustainable and efficient air travel becomes a reality, ushering in a cleaner and greener future for the aviation industry. Source: ‚Battery Tech Online‚.

10’000 Cirrus

Cirrus recently revealed a one-of-a-kind, Limited-Edition SR Series aircraft to commemorate 10,000 SR Series deliveries. The 10,000th SR Series aircraft celebrates Cirrus’ past, present and future as well as the team who made this milestone possible.

Since the first delivery of the SR Series in 1999, Cirrus has pursued its guiding principles of delivering an aviation experience that is the pinnacle of innovation, quality and safety to its customers. This commitment is a testament to Cirrus’ perseverance and the SR Series’ continued evolution and success in delivering the next generation of personal aviation.

“The SR Series has reached a monumental achievement with 10,000 deliveries and owners that live the Cirrus Life,” said Zean Nielsen, Chief Executive Officer. “From the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®) to the Perspective Touch+ flight deck, Cirrus continuously innovates to provide owners with personal aircraft that set the industry standard for aviation safety, luxury, convenience and ease of ownership. We are honoured to celebrate 10,000 SR Series aircraft deliveries with our team members, partners and stakeholders.”

The SR Series continues to be the best-selling high-performance single-engine piston aircraft for 22 years. Cirrus achieved the 10,000th aircraft milestone because of its relentless innovation and ability to create industry-leading products and owner services.

In January 2024, Cirrus announced the new SR Series G7 featuring Perspective Touch+ by Garmin with multiple refinements made throughout the aircraft and an all-new interior. The Perspective Touch+ flight deck features expanded systems integration, large widescreen displays and a familiar touchscreen interface for reduced pilot workload and enhanced situational awareness. This system is the most advanced avionics suite available and unlocks new capabilities that seamlessly pair with the high performance of each SR Series model.

The Limited Edition 10,000 aircraft features a custom matte blue and white paint with a hallmark design inspired by forward-moving lines that carry from the front of the aircraft toward the tail interlacing a symbolic Roman numeral ten and showcasing unique details that commemorate Cirrus’ milestone. Source: ‚Cirrus Aircraft‚.

Pilatus und Synhelion: Partnerschaft für Treibstoffe aus Sonnenenergie

Pilatus und Synhelion gehen eine strategische Kooperation ein, mit dem Ziel, die Skalierung von Solartreibstoffen für die Luftfahrt zu beschleunigen. Pilatus möchte die Solartreibstoffe von Synhelion für den eigenen Flugbetrieb nutzen und mittelfristig auch der eigenen Kundschaft anbieten. Pilatus ist deshalb als Aktionärin bei Synhelion eingestiegen und untermauert so das Engagement, den Flugverkehr aktiv zu defossilisieren. Synhelion wurde im Jahr 2016 als «Spin-off» der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule (ETH) Zürich gegründet. Das Unternehmen leistet einen Beitrag zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors, indem es fossile Treibstoffe durch erneuerbare Solartreibstoffe ersetzen möchte.

Die Flugzeuge von Pilatus sind bereits heute für die Nutzung von «Sustainable Aviation Fuel» (SAF), der heute mehrheitlich aus Biomasse oder Abfällen hergestellt wird, zertifiziert. Aktuell als auch zukünftig wird nach heutigen Berechnungen nicht genügend Treibstoff nach dieser Produktionsmethode auf dem Markt verfügbar sein.

Synhelion baut derzeit die weltweit erste industrielle Anlage zur Produktion von Solartreibstoff in Deutschland – ab 2025 ist der Bau einer ersten kommerziellen Anlage in Spanien geplant. Dabei werden die Treibstoffe aus der Energie der Sonne hergestellt. Pilatus möchte Synhelions Solartreibstoff in Zukunft nicht nur für die eigene Flugzeug-Flotte nutzen. Auch die Kundschaft von Pilatus soll die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre Flugreisen mit Solartreibstoff aktiv zu defossilisieren. Mit dieser Partnerschaft ist Pilatus auch als Aktionärin bei Synhelion eingestiegen. Damit wird ein langfristiges Engagement für die nachhaltige Transformation des Flugverkehrs bestärkt. Quelle: ‚Pilatus‚.

Tecnam P-Mentor with FAA-Certificate

Tecnam announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded a full Type Certificate to the P-MENTOR with the number A00067IB for Part 23 of the FAA Regulations. The aircraft manufacturer is now on track to begin deliveries to flight schools across the United States, starting with the first (20) to HCH Aviation in partnership with Stephen F. Austin State University in Austin, Texas, followed by Kilo Charlie Aviation in New Century, Kansas and EpicSky Flight Academy in Des Moines, Iowa.

The P-Mentor is a two-seat aircraft, powered by the Rotax 912isC3, featuring the Garmin G3X IFR touch screen suite with PBN/RNAV/AFCS capabilities, compliant with the latest CS-23 EASA & FAA amendments. The Mentor is a turnkey solution for many flight schools to train students from their first flight up to their CPL-IR on a single platform. With a variable pitch propeller, a simulated retractable landing gear and an optional ballistic parachute, the P-Mentor has everything flight schools are looking for in today’s market. The P-Mentor is designed to offer the best human-machine interface, resulting in the most effective and efficient VFR/IFR training. The generous fuel capacity will allow flight schools to fly all day without refuelling, which improves operational value. The P-Mentor’s fuel consumption is just 3.70 US Gal/h (14 lt/h) contributing to a very low cost of operations averaging $65 per hour.

The P-Mentor allows complete PPL, IR and UPRT training, with approved PBN/RNAV as well as AFCS: the entire training syllabus with unprecedented fuel consumption and emissions, further enhancing the renowned profitability of the Tecnam-made fleet. The entry into service of the P-MENTOR two-seater IFR training aircraft has been eagerly awaited by a large number of flight schools who have been demanding a replacement for the many hundreds of “legacy” FAR23/CS23 IFR training aircraft currently in service around the world. This aircraft will open up many profitable opportunities within the flight training market and revolutionize the training paradigm. Source: ‚Tecnam‚.

Hermeus Unveils Supersonic Aircraft

Hermeus, a company operationalizing hypersonic aircraft, has unveiled its first aircraft — Quarterhorse Mk 1 — which will take flight later this year. Designed, built, and integrated in just seven months, this is the company’s second fully integrated vehicle in the past year, following Quarterhorse Mk 0 which completed its test campaign in November 2023. This rate of iteration represents a new standard of one aircraft per year, which the team has set for the pace of aircraft development.

Quarterhorse Mk 1 is an uncrewed, remotely piloted aircraft powered by a GE J85 engine. Its primary mission is to demonstrate high-speed takeoff and landing – a key enabling capability unique to future hypersonic aircraft on the company’s roadmap. Flight tests will take place at Edwards Air Force Base. This milestone marks the transition from the ‘design and build’ phase to the ‘integrated test’ phase for Mk 1. The coming months will see the vehicle endure a battery of tests across its subsystems, ground station, operations, and human factors to prepare it for flight test later this year. Each aircraft in the Quarterhorse program progressively increases in complexity, building on the learnings of prior builds. This approach manages program risk across multiple vehicles and accelerates the delivery of products and services to Hermeus customers.

Hermeus’ strategic decision to transition to the more capable F100 engine for Quarterhorse Mk 2 accelerates the company’s roadmap to Darkhorse, a multi-mission hypersonic aircraft for defense and national security missions, while simultaneously delivering a compelling intermediate product, the world’s only purpose-built high-Mach drone. Source: ‚‚.

LIFT-Academy: Fleet Expansion

Diamond Aircraft and Leadership in Flight Training (LIFT) Academy announced an expansion of LIFT Academy’s training fleet, underscoring a steadfast partnership that began in 2018. This collaboration supports LIFT Academy’s cutting-edge program, which is meticulously designed to prepare aviators for successful careers, specifically at Republic Airways, one of the largest regional airlines in the United States.

The addition of 50 DA40s and 6 DA42s to the fleet is a testament to LIFT Academy’s rapid growth and its unwavering commitment to providing aviators with the skills needed for success. Founded by Republic Airways Holdings Inc., LIFT Academy offers a defined pathway to a career at Republic Airways, highlighting a unique industry model where training is directly aligned with future employment opportunities. The newest additions to the fleet will help bolster the training programs at the new campuses in Galveston, TX, and Myrtle Beach, SC, as well as the newest campus at Tuskegee University in Alabama. Source: ‚Diamond Aircraft‚.

Piper Announces Approved Service Center in France

Piper Aircraft, Inc. and Authorized Piper Dealer, Flying Smart Aero, announced the appointment of Troyes Aviation as the Approved Piper Service Center in France. Founded in 1973 by Françoise Horiot and transferred to new ownership in 2023, Troyes Aviation is a fully-owned subsidiary of JGH SAS and the sister Company of JG AVIATION, the Authorized Pilatus Service Centre for France.

Over the past 50 years, Troyes Aviation has built a reputation for its flawless service delivery and the innovative approach of its leadership, ensuring a competitive edge in the premium general aviation market. The management’s commitment to continuous innovation includes maintaining the latest aircraft models, providing ongoing training for their staff, and leading their operations in a dynamic, pragmatic, and human-centred manner, always prioritizing client satisfaction. Source: ‚Piper Aircraft‚.

Lightwing AC4 GT ist EASA-zertifiziert

Das Schleppflugzeug des Schweizer Herstellers Lightwing erhielt kürzlich das EASA-Zertifikat. Das Flugzeug zeigt robuste Steigwerte bei kurzen Schleppzyklen und Anhängelasten bis 850 kg. Der AC4 GT ist einfach und intuitiv zu bedienen. Die Arbeitsbelastung des Schlepp Piloten wird durch diverse Maßnahmen gering gehalten, um einen ermüdungsarmen Einsatz zu ermöglichen. Quelle: ‚Lightwing Aircraft‚.

Der AC4 GT in der Übersicht:

  • Vollautomatische Propellerverstellung durch Single lever power / Propeller Control.
  • Kraftvoller Turboeinspritzmotor mit thermostatisch geregelten Ölkühlern.
  • Gute Übersicht durch großzügige Verglasung des Cockpits.
  • Rückwärtsgerichtete Kamera für die Beobachtung am Boden und im Schlepp.
  • Integriertes Traffic Information System TIS.
  • Zuverlässig funktionierende Seileinzugswinde.
  • Beschattetes Cockpit.
  • Hohe Fluggeschwindigkeit bei ausgefahrenen Klappen für rasanten Abstieg.
  • Gutmütige Eigenschaften auch im Langsamflug.
  • Hohe Längsstabilität dank großem Leitwerk und langem Rumpf.
  • Lautstärke von nur 62 dB(A)

Flyby acquires 4 Tecnam P2008JC

Tecnam announced, that ‘FlyBy’, Spain’s leading General Aviation Flight Training Organisation has placed an order for an additional four Tecnam P2008JC. These will supplement their existing Tecnam fleet of 16. Burgos, Spain-based ‘FlyBy’, is renowned for its all-inclusive integrated flight training program which includes accommodation, meals, iPad, ground school and flight simulators. Course duration is just 14 months, with students starting with ATPL Ground School, then going onto Visual Flight Rating (VFR), Instruments Flight Rating (IFR), and then completing a Multi-Engine and APS Multi Crew Cooperation module.

Current FlyBy’s fleet includes:

  • 2 P Mentors
  • 8 P2008JC
  • 3 P2006T
  • 3 P2002JF

Fly By is a Training Organization registered with the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority (AESA) with registration number E-166. AESA is a member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the licenses issued are valid in all EASA member countries. Source: ‚Tecnam‚.


Diamond Aircraft und Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) haben im Rahmen ihrer strategischen Kooperation den eDA40 in einer realen Trainingsumgebung auf dem Flughafen Dübendorf getestet. Zwischen dem 10. und 12. April haben Diamond Aircraft und LAT den vollelektrischen eDA40 einer eingehenden Betriebsprüfung unterzogen. Die Ergebnisse helfen Diamond Aircraft, das E-Flugzeug für die Flugausbildung weiterzuentwickeln und gleichzeitig wertvolle Daten darüber zu liefern, wie eine gemischte Ausbildungsflotte aus eDA40 und konventionellen, mit AUSTRO-Düsentreibstoff betriebenen DA40 NGs betrieben werden kann.

Es wurden fünf Flüge mit vier LAT-Piloten durchgeführt, die mit dem Team von Diamond Aircraft Austria, bestehend aus Ingenieuren und Flugtestpiloten vor Ort, zusammenarbeiteten. Das Feedback der LAT-Piloten war einstimmig: Das Produkt erfüllt die Erwartungen. Sie waren erstaunt, wie einfach das Flugzeug zu bedienen ist und wie ähnlich es sich zur DA40 NG verhält. Sie äußerten sich auch positiv darüber, dass das Flugzeug nicht nur im Vorbeiflug einen niedrigeren Geräuschpegel hat, sondern auch im Cockpit leise ist.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse:

  • Nahtlose Integration: Die eDA40 fügt sich nahtlos in bestehende Arbeitsabläufe ein und steigert die Effizienz, ohne etablierte Prozesse zu stören.
  • Benutzerzufriedenheit: Alle Teilnehmer hoben das benutzerfreundliche Design und die intuitiven Funktionen des Flugzeuges hervor.
  • Hervorragende Leistung dank Zuverlässigkeit und Robustheit.

Die eDA40 ist eine Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden und zertifizierten DA40-Baureihe, soll das erste zertifizierte Elektroflugzeug seiner Kategorie und die umweltfreundlichste Art sein, das Fliegen zu lernen. Die grundlegende EASA-Zertifizierung wird für 2025 erwartet.

Pipistrel appoints first distributor in Mexico

Committed to positioning itself as the top choice for aircraft sales and acquisitions in the region, Wulf Aviation will be responsible for managing sales of Pipistrel’s range of ultralight, light sport and type-certified aircraft across Mexico.

Wulf Aviation has placed an initial order for a Pipistrel Explorer, a 2-seat EASA type-certified plane, intended to serve as a demonstration aircraft. The appointment of Wulf Aviation follows Pipistrel’s expansion of its distribution network in key regions across the globe, including the appointment of four distributors in North America. Source: ‚Pipistrel‚.

Tecnam delivers 400th P2006T Twin

Tecnam reached a significant milestone by delivering the 400th Tecnam P2006T Twin to Bartolini Air, Poland’s leading flight training organisation. The renowned Polish flying school has also taken delivery of SN/200; the handover of the keys took place during the Pilot ExpoBerlin. Designed in 2006, the Tecnam P2006T Twin has established itself as the aircraft of choice not only for the world’s most prestigious flight training organisations but also for private owners.

The P2006T enables multi-engine piston training to be provided at a cost that is unrivalled by older twin-engine aircraft. With 400 P2006T’s now in service worldwide, it consistently comes out on top in the most rigorous of competitor fly-off evaluations. As well as flight schools, Tecnam has partnered with several air forces and other niche operators who are now flying special versions of the twin, such as the P2006T SMP version for aerial operations. Source: ‚Tecnam‚.

Van’s Aircraft Business Update

As we work through the Chapter 11 planning requirements and execute our daily operations, the staff at Van’s Aircraft have been hard at work. We’ve processed a large volume of kit reorders and continue to handle related emails and phone calls. We’re shipping kits to customers every day, and we’ve started sending replacement parts to some customers with kits that contain laser-cut parts. We’re also currently finalizing the plan for customers who have open orders for Lycoming engines, Rotax powerplant kits, propellers, and avionics kits.

Many customers have emailed and called us to offer words of encouragement, and we want to say “thank you.” Your kind words always help, and are very much appreciated! We will have more news to share in the coming week. Source: ‚VansAircraft‚.

Cirrus Aircraft Announces New Generation of SR 7 Series

Cirrus Aircraft, the company that brought you the aircraft with the parachute and the Vision Jet that lands itself with the touch of a button, today announced the newest generation of the world’s best-selling, high-performance, single-engine piston aircraft – the SR Series G7. The SR Series G7 aircraft features touchscreen interfaces, large high-resolution displays, advanced safety systems, improved visibility, increased legroom, enhanced convenience features, and the Cirrus IQ mobile app that provides remote access to real-time health and readiness indications for your aircraft so you can travel faster, safer and smarter wherever you go.

The G7 integrates an intuitive touchscreen-controlled flight deck with a comfortable and stylish cabin to create an approachable personal aviation experience. This simplified yet incredibly powerful flight deck reduces pilot workload while offering enhanced situational awareness for both pilot and passenger. Cirrus Aircraft has defined the personal aviation category with both the SR Series and the Vision Jet and has aligned the flight deck, cabin experience, and training programs, including our Private Pilot Program, to provide a clear progression from learning to fly and owning a SR Series aircraft, all the way through piloting your own Vision Jet.

The Future of Flying
First delivered in 1999 and now memorialized in the ‘We All Fly’ exhibition at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, the SR20 altered the light aircraft industry with a 10” multi-function display and later added a complete glass flight deck with the very first primary flight display in a small, certified aircraft. These technological advancements revolutionized the industry and helped improve safety while simplifying the way pilots navigate around the world – forever changing the aviation landscape.

Today, the SR Series G7 features Cirrus Perspective Touch+™ by Garmin®, the most advanced flight deck in the industry, and is the first-ever piston aircraft to incorporate dual Garmin Touch Controllers. Perspective Touch+ offers larger, high-resolution displays with expanded systems integration, enabling a more intuitive flight deck experience, reducing pilot workload, and increasing situational awareness. The interior creates a refined inflight experience for the pilot and passengers, increasing the comfort for every occupant with easy-to-see and understandable flight details such as – current position, fuel level, destination arrival time, and more.

The Perspective Touch+ flight deck now integrates more systems including:

  • Larger, high-resolution 12” or optional 14” widescreen displays to streamline tasks.
  • Garmin Touchscreen Controllers with intuitive icons and a shallow menu structure.
  • CAS-linked checklists and Checklist Scroll Wheel to easily navigate through checklists.
  • Taxiway Routing and 3D SafeTaxi to simplify airport ground navigation.

Source: ‚Cirrus Aircraft‚.

Nasa Unveils Quiet Supersonic Aircraft X-59

In the launch event on January 12th, the agency shared plans to test over US cities to see if it’s quiet enough by engaging ‘the people below’. NASA has unveiled a one-of-a-kind quiet supersonic aircraft as part of the US space agency’s mission to make commercial supersonic flight possible. In a ceremony with Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, on Friday, NASA revealed the X-59, an experimental aircraft that is expected to fly at 1.4 times the speed of sound – or 925 mph (1’488 km/h).

NASA postpones plans to send humans to the moon
The aircraft, which stands 99.7ft (30.4 meters) long and 29.5ft wide, has a thin, tapered nose that comprises nearly a third of the aircraft’s full length – a feature designed to disperse shock waves that would typically surround supersonic aircraft and result in sonic booms. In attempts to further enhance the aircraft’s supersonic capabilities, engineers positioned the cockpit almost halfway down the length and removed the forward-facing windows typically found in other aircraft.

The aircraft also features an engine mounted on top as well as a smooth underside to prevent shock waves from forming behind the aircraft and causing sonic booms. The X-59 is set to take its first flight later this year and then its first quiet supersonic flight, NASA said. The agency added that once test flights are completed, the X-59 will fly over several cities across the US that have yet to be selected and will collect public feedback on the sound it generates. For the last 50 years, commercial supersonic travel over land has been banned in the US because of public concerns over the explosive sonic booms that could be heard from miles away. Source: ‚NASA‚.

Road Landing – A Very Special World Premiere

The Royal Flying Doctor Service RFDS is a name synonymous with the vast Australian outback. Seven days a week and around the clock, the RFDS is tasked with servicing Australia’s largest “waiting room”, an area spanning 7.9 million square kilometers in some of the remotest regions of the world.

The “waiting room” is divided into states and territories, each of which is serviced by a particular RFDS chapter. The two largest chapters, Western Ops (RFDSWO) and Central Ops (RFDSCO) use the medevac version of the PC-24 to reach patients as quickly as possible in an emergency. Regular training is required to ensure readiness at all times.

An exceptional rescue exercise
Last April, RFDSCO teamed up with the South Australia Police Force and State Emergency Service to conduct a training mission simulating a major road incident on the Traeger Road Strip, a section of the Stuart Highway. While simulations of this type are a regular occurrence, this one was rather special for two reasons: it was the first time a PC-24 landed on a major highway in the middle of the outback, and the RFDS is the first organization to have ordered an aeromedical PC-24.

A landing requiring total concentration
Landing on the Traeger Road Strip was anything but simple. The road had to be shut down during the exercise and the pilots had to contend with challenging conditions, including crosswinds of up to twelve knots and temperatures between 104 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The PC-24 touched down without problem to the applause of numerous bystanders. The successful outcome of this simulation further highlighted the all-terrain suitability of the PC-24, and demonstrated yet again why organizations like the RFDS rely on our aircraft for their all-important missions.

Stuart Highway
The Stuart Highway connects the Northern Territory and South Australia over 2,800 kilometers (1,740 miles) and runs through the heart of Kokatha country. Some 2.1 million people live in this vast region which extends across 2.3 million square kilometers, yet there are only 5 hospitals. In comparison, Switzerland is 56 times smaller and has approximately 276 hospitals. The RFDS plays an essential role in enabling communities to exist in such remote areas. Source: ‚Pilatus Aircraft‚. Video.

ICON Aircraft Receives Type Certification

ICON Aircraft announced, that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted Type Certification for the ICON A5 in the primary category, marking a significant milestone for the company and its visionary amphibious aircraft.

With this designation, ICON Aircraft is now one of only a few Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) manufacturers in the world to meet the certification standards of the FAA, meaning that ICON can now take advantage of reciprocal agreements between the FAA and aviation governing bodies outside of the U.S. – including those in Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America – to certify the A5 to operate in these regions.

The ICON A5 is a state-of-the-art amphibious aircraft, designed to empower adventure-seekers with a new level of freedom and versatility. Its innovative design allows it to take off and land on both water and traditional runways, providing pilots with unparalleled access to diverse landscapes and destinations.

With FAA Type Certification in hand, ICON Aircraft is poised to enter a new phase of growth and market presence. The company looks forward to delivering on the growing demand for the ICON A5 and continuing to set new standards in the general aviation industry. Source: ‚ICON Aircraft‚.

Diamond Aircraft delivers DA62 MPP Special Mission Aircraft to Nigeria

Diamond Aircraft announces the successful delivery of four DA62 MPP Special Mission Aircraft to the Nigerian Air Force (NAF). The official acceptance ceremony took place at the 303 Medium Airlift Group’s base in Ilorin, Kwara State in October. The procurement process initiated approximately two years ago, reached a significant milestone with the delivery of the final two DA62 MPP aircraft, complementing the first two aircraft delivered between February and July earlier this year. The NAF showcased the aircraft during a reception ceremony, with all four aircraft equipped with cutting-edge electro-optical systems. The DA62 MPP, features the latest in tracking and sensor technology and sets the benchmark as the most cost-effective, powerful and versatile airborne platform in its class today, contributing to the NAF’s operational efficiency.

The Diamond Aircraft DA62 MPP (Multipurpose Platform) is a modern twin-engine aircraft designed for a variety of specialized missions. With a range of over 1,000 nautical miles, the DA62 MPP can stay airborne for extended periods, allowing it to conduct missions over large areas without the need for frequent refuelling. Compared to larger, more expensive aircraft, the DA62 MPP is a cost-effective solution for these operations – with a fuel burn of approximately 7.4 US gal per hour, operating costs are extremely low. Source: ‚Diamond Aircraft‚.

100th TBM 960 Turboprop-Powered Aircraft Delivered

Daher today announced the delivery of its 100th TBM 960, which was provided to a Californian businessman who is stepping up from a piston-engine airplane to this top-of-the-line member of the high-speed, turboprop-powered TBM aircraft family. The milestone TBM 960 was received by Kevin Kaseff, the President of Titan Real Estate Investment Group, Inc. – a private commercial real estate investment firm. Kaseff acquired his TBM 960 through Camarillo, California-based Avex, which is Daher’s authorized TBM distributor for the Southwestern United States. He joins the growing community of Daher TBM aviators in North America and worldwide.

The TBM 960 is the latest evolution of Daher’s pressurized single-engine turboprop aircraft product line. Launched commercially in April 2022, it is the fifth evolution in the TBM 900 series and benefits from today’s turboprop technology and digital power. Key TBM 960 features include the PT6E-66XT turboprop engine – purpose-built by Pratt & Whitney Canada for this aircraft; and Hartzell Propeller’s five-blade composite propeller with the Raptor™ lightweight hub. Both the engine and propeller system are linked to the TBM 960’s dual-channel digital Engine and Propeller Electronic Control System (EPECS).

The EPECS optimizes powerplant performance from the engine’s startup to landing while reducing pilot workload by integrating all functions and protecting the engine’s life. It also enables the pilot to fly with more precise settings. At Daher’s recommended cruise setting of 308 kts., the TBM 960’s fuel consumption is only 57 U.S. gallons per hour – a 10 percent fuel economy compared to the maximum cruise setting for more sustainability. Daher’s use of digital power for the TBM 960 extends into the aircraft’s Prestige cabin, featuring an all-new environmental control system produced by Enviro Systems Inc. Source: ‚TBM aero‚.

Five Tips to a Speedy Aircraft Approval

  1. Be Organized
    Aircraft financing requires documentation similar to mortgage financing. Having easy access to W2’s, tax returns, pay stubs, business tax returns and K1s will help move the process along quickly. The number one reason for the delay in approval is missing documents.
  2. Full disclosure
    Fill out the application with as much detail as possible. You will need to provide documentation in the form of tax returns, bank statements, etc to verify income and down payment.
  3. Understand your credit and financial picture
    Being aware and able to explain any past issues on your credit report will help limit additional underwriting questions. Using free credit tracking services is a good way to understand what might show up on your credit report.
  4. Calculate your ability to afford the loan
    Make sure you have added the expected monthly payment to your current debt payments. Most lenders are not only going to want to see that you can handle the monthly payment but can also afford the operational and insurance costs on top of your current obligations.
  5. Determine Ownership Structure

Having an understanding of how you want the aircraft to be registered will help the approval and closing process go smoothly. LLC or corporate ownership adds additional complexities to the closing. Establishing these entities early on in the process helps keep things moving during the final stages. Source: ‚Adam Meredith on AOPA‚.

60 Years of Life-Saving Aviation

Out of a humble hangar at Spirit of St. Louis Airport in Chesterfield, Missouri, Wings of Hope has been saving and changing lives through the power of aviation for 60 years. Founded in 1963, the organization began as a capital campaign to send an airplane to missionaries flying around Kenya, providing medical support and relief to communities in need. Wings of Hope has grown into a global humanitarian network serving more than 40,000 people in 10 countries in 2022.

Medevac Services and Aviation-supported Medical Brigades
How does this Midwest aviation nonprofit impact so many worldwide? Through partnership. Wings of Hope works with community partners to connect people with the resources they need to live healthy and dignified lives. The ultimate goal is to help communities build sustainable solutions to determine their futures long after Wings of Hope has moved on to its next mission.

Wings of Hope’s Global Humanitarian Network provides people access to health care using two primary delivery models: medevac and brigade services. Medevac flights respond to emergency calls for help from individuals in distress, flying into remote regions to provide emergency treatment onsite or transportation to the nearest hospital. Brigades, which are scheduled with the local community and health workers in advance, use aircraft to transport medical equipment and health care providers to indigenous communities and provide services based on local needs.

Medical Air Transport in the U.S.
Wings of Hope made its first medical air transport flight in the U.S. in 2003. Since then, its Medical Relief & Air Transport (MAT) Program has flown thousands of individuals and their families to transformative health care at the country’s top hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic, M.D. Anderson and Shriners Hospitals for Children. All flights are free, removing this hefty financial burden from the stresses of managing serious health conditions. The MAT Program operates with three stretcher-capable piston twins: Two Piper Senecas and a Piper Navajo. The all-volunteer, two-pilot crews fly within an 800-mile radius of St. Louis.

Born one leg shorter than the other, 16-year-old Micah has been flying with Wings of Hope from her home in Kansas to Shriners Children’s St. Louis since she was 5. After 16 surgeries and countless follow-up appointments, Micah is close to completing her treatment. She says her last flight with Wings of Hope will be bittersweet: “You guys have watched me grow up.”

STEM and Aviation Education for Students
In 2019, Wings of Hope established SOAR into STEM to engage students in pursuing STEM and aviation careers. SOAR into STEM Education Coordinator Robert Powell believes, “the best way to get young people excited about STEM is to give them something real to work on.” The four-week education program embraces that philosophy—offering hands-on experiences working on planes in the Wings of Hope hangar, using a flight simulator, flying drones and taking a discovery flight with a certificated flight instructor. Source: ‚AOPA‘.

Pipistrel expands presence in Africa

Already a longstanding channel partner of Textron Aviation as an authorized sales, service and parts representative for Cessna and Beechcraft in southern and central Africa, Absolute Aviation will take on responsibility for sales, service support and training for Pipistrel’s ultralight, light sport and type certified aircraft, which include the Alpha Trainer, Velis Electro, Explorer and Panthera. Absolute Aviation will also showcase demonstration aircraft across the region to promote Pipistrel’s offerings.

Absolute Aviation will serve Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. “We’re fully committed to building our network of distributors so that we can precisely meet the needs of our customers across Africa,” says Steve Mckenna, director of Sales and Marketing, Pipistrel. “As an established Textron Aviation channel partner, Absolute Aviation’s customer-centric approach is well known to us and we’re looking forward to extending this collaboration to showcase Pipistrel.”

“Extending our relationship with Textron to include Pipistrel underlines the trust we have developed and the success we have delivered,” adds Neil Howard, CEO, of Absolute Aviation. “We are committed to building on this track record for Pipistrel in the fast-growing African market.” The appointment of Absolute Aviation follows Pipistrel’s expansion of its distribution network in key regions across the globe. Most recently, Pipistrel appointed Lincoln Park Aviation (LPA) as its distributor for 15 US states and Lanier Flight Center as its distributor for five US states. Source: ‚Pipistrel Aircraft‚.

„High Wing“ – The Newest Sling Aircraft

The new „High Wing“ combines great Sling handling characteristics with the inherent stability of the classic high-wing design. The new plane comes with modern-day design safety features including a ballistic parachute recovery system, a low workload Garmin glass cockpit, an efficient and powerful 141 hp Rotax 915 iS turbocharged powerplant and Airmaster Constant Speed Propeller.

The removable rear seats increase the generous baggage area, providing a great utility platform. The extra-large cabin features wide, easy-access doors, superb four-seat ergonomics and best-in-class comfort and quality. The plane is available in tricycle and taildragger variants. Source: ‚SlingAircraft‚.

Diamond Aircraft & Aeromot will assemble DA62 in Brazil

Diamond Aircraft Canada announces that it has recently signed a license agreement with its sales partner Aeromot, based in Brazil, for assembling DA62 aircraft, creating significant new value for customers and the aerospace industry in one of Diamond Aircraft’s key growth markets. Aeromot will assemble DA62 aircraft in Porto Alegre, Brazil under license from Diamond Aircraft Canada, which will provide the DA62 kits and ongoing support. The Brazilian-assembled DA62 aircraft will be delivered to Aeromot’s sales territory, which now includes Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Depending on market development, this area might be expanded. Diamond Aircraft and Aeromot are looking at a steadily growing output to reach more than 50 units per year. The specific progress depends on the local market conditions.

“The global demand for general aviation aircraft is huge. Especially the Brazilian and South American market, in general, has seen strong growth and we believe that now is the right time to look for opportunities to expand production and sales in this region.” Said Kevin Sheng, CEO of Diamond Aircraft Canada. “The state-of-the-art luxury twin DA62 with outstanding economics and space is a great fit for the South American market. For many years Aeromot is a trusted partner of Diamond, as an authorized dealer in Brazil, having contributed to aircraft sales, and technical, and maintenance support for operations in the country. We are convinced that they are the right partner for establishing a DA62 assembly facility in Brazil and will meet our highest standards.”

“We are very proud to announce this agreement with Diamond Aircraft, strengthening our partnership that started back in 2016. The Brazilian market has the key attributes for general aviation growth and the DA62 perfectly fits the user’s needs. This partnership represents an important resumption in the assembly of certified light piston aircraft by Aeromot, contributing to a generation of jobs and strengthening the Brazilian and South American market with innovative solutions.” Said Guilherme Cunha, CEO Aeromot. Source: ‚Diamond aircraft‚.

Price Aviation chooses Tecnam

Tecnam announced today that delivery has commenced to Serbia-based Prince Aviation of two Tecnam P2008JC MkII and one P2006T MkII multi-engine aircraft.

By selecting Tecnam to renew its training fleet, Prince Aviation can now offer the highest standards in pilot training in Western Balkans and South East Europe. Introduction of the Tecnam models will provide Prince Aviation’s student’s state of the art aircraft that will support their flight training and education, giving them their first insight into the modern aviation world. Since 1992, Prince Aviation’s flight training organization has trained more than 500 pilots, confirming to be the leading FTO in the region. By completing a Tecnam Maintenance Training Course, Prince will shortly become an Authorized Tecnam Service Center, providing certified support to their fleet and Tecnam customers in the area.

With its carbon-fibre fuselage, metal wings and stabilator, the Tecnam P2008JC MkII has many advantages over traditional aircraft. Combining composite material and metal has resulted in a more fuel-efficient and quieter aircraft, becoming a favourite of many Flight Training Organizations. The Tecnam P2008JC MkII features some significant enhancements: a new avionics suite and a new design of both the instrument panel and glare shield, enabling the introduction of Garmin’s innovative G3X Touch display with an MD302 attitude instrument. VFR Night is optional.

The P2006T MkII is a twin-engine, four-seat aircraft with the fully retractable landing gear. It offers an innovative design with a modern Garmin avionics suite which integrates all primary flight, navigation, communication, terrain and engine data on two high-definition LCDs. The P2006T is standard equipped with an advanced feature S-TEC 55x high-performance, two-axis autopilot. Fitted with two Rotax 912S3 engines, the Tecnam P2006T MkII exhibits remarkable fuel saving and can be operated either on AVGAS or MOGAS 95 octane fuel (which leads to huge operating cost reductions). Source: ‚Tecnam website‘.

Bladeless Fluidic Propulsion System Airplane Prototype

Jetoptera, a Seattle-based propulsion system, drone, and aerial mobility startup, is working on an innovative vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft concept modelled on Dyson’s “bladeless fan” design. The current design uses a turboshaft engine which drives an air compressor, which generates high-pressure air. This jet of compressed air is spread across the outlet of the thruster

An aerodynamic mechanism known as the Coanda effect causes the fluid jet to remain attached to the surface of the thruster as it is forced out of the outlet. Jetoptera has completed several flight tests using its newly developed Fluidic Propulsion System (FPS™). Thrusters can be shaped and distributed around an airframe in ways to maximize lift augmentation and distribute propulsion at the same time. Thrusters can also be easily swivelled, allowing for VTOL operations. The result is a high-speed, compact system that can naturally hover. Source: ‚Sia Magazine‚.

What You Need to Know About Pre-Buy Inspections

Do have a pre-buy inspection. It could save you thousands of dollars over time. People passionate about airplanes find it easy to fall in love quickly with a particular airplane. What’s more, if we don’t act quickly and say „yes“ to the buyer, then the one-and-only airplane for us will be sold to someone else. Slow down and be smart. First, have a pre-buy inspection.

Even if the airplane belongs to your best friend, and even if the airplane you want to buy is one that you have flown before, you need to know more about the total health of the airplane. A pre-buy inspection will reveal issues such as corrosion that would not readily be visible. That’s why the best advice I can give any airplane buyer is to have a licensed A&P perform an independent, non-biased inspection of the airplane. 

And now for a “don’t.” Don’t choose the existing mechanic or shop of your potential new airplane. Use another shop that has no ties to the airplane. Sure, it’s convenient to have the local shop at the airport where the airplane is based perform the inspection. It’s probably cheaper, too. However, the shop working on the airplane may be too quick to praise its work and tell you the airplane is in great shape. Even if you have to pay to have the airplane flown to another local airport, it’s a good investment. You want a mechanic who has no attachment to the airplane to give a thorough inspection using a fresh set of eyes. 

Here are a few “dos” for selecting the right mechanic or shop. Use the shop you intend to have maintained the aircraft once it’s yours unless that shop is the one that’s been doing the service. Choose a shop that specializes in the type of aircraft you’re purchasing and frequently works on an airplane like the one you’re thinking about buying. For help selecting a shop, check out the online owner’s forums. These forums have a wealth of information for potential owners of a particular type, including which shops are the best. 

Don’t rush the process. Slow down and take your time. Make sure you give yourself enough time for the pre-buy inspection and that you are not rushed as the proposed closing date approaches. Typically a pre-buy inspection takes one or two days—but we know how that works. Build in some extra time, so you don’t feel pressure.

Do use your best judgment when analyzing the results of the pre-buy inspection. Realize that there’s no such thing as a perfect airplane; you must know what you are willing to accept and what you won’t. Unlike buying a house when the buyer can often pressure the seller into paying for repairs as a condition of the sale, that’s typically not the case with airplanes unless it’s an airworthiness issue. Be reasonable with the seller and remember that perfect doesn’t exist. Have the mechanic spell out the differences between airworthiness directive (AD) items and non-AD items. Have the mechanic explain the items with high importance and urgency to fix and those that may be “nice to fix.”

As a side note, if you purchase an airplane with minimal use by its current owner, do expect that the pre-buy inspection may uncover many items that will take time and money to fix. Give yourself enough time to remedy these items. Also, aircraft that have sat for some time may often have squawks not immediately apparent or uncovered during the pre-buy.

And, finally, be willing to walk away from an airplane. That’s the toughest piece of advice to give. There may come a tipping point in your mind when the work necessary to bring the airplane legally to standard and personally to your standards becomes too high. Remember that at any given time, there are thousands of airplanes for sale. Just like the adage, “Marry in haste, repent in leisure,” you can buy an airplane in haste and repent in leisure as mounting mechanical bills makes flying inaccessible.

Great rates. Great terms. Helpful and responsive reps. Three good reasons to turn to AOPA Aviation Finance when buying an airplane. If you need a dependable financing source with people on your side, call 800.62.PLANE (75263) or click here to request a quote. Have a specific aviation finance question you would like to see in future articles? Submit it here, which may be highlighted in an upcoming content piece. Source: ‚Adam Meredith on the Website of AOPA USA‚.