Accident at SGP South Africa – Pilot safe and recovering

Following an accident during Race 3 of the Qualifying Sailplane Grand Prix of South Africa in Worcester, well-known German Pilot Mathias Schunk, unfortunately, had an accident while racing with other pilots along the ridges.

Mathias has been able to communicate with the local organisation and his wife Pia shortly after the accident. He was retrieved by Helicopter and transported to the Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital in Cape Town where he was diagnosed with a fractured L2 vertebra.

The SGP team would like to thank the local organisation for the quick response they have had, and the competing pilots who have cooperated in the best possible way to help Mathias. We are also grateful to the Rescue team who has done a tremendous job airlifting Mathias shortly after the accident. 

Mathias is in good spirits and is accompanied by his dedicated wife Pia. He is very grateful for the support he has received, and we are all looking forward to seeing him back in the air soon.

Mathias, our team and the community wish you a speedy recovery!

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